Is Your Period Late 9 Days Not Pregnant?

It is normal for your period to come 9 days late without pregnancy. However, if it persists, it may be an indication of other health problems such as hormonal birth control or hormone-related diseases such as thyroid disease.

Take a pregnancy test if your period is more than a full week late.


Stress may cause your period to come late, but that doesn’t indicate pregnancy. Cortisol, released when under stress, disrupts normal patterns associated with ovulation and menstruation – this explains why those living under chronically stressful circumstances tend to have irregular periods.

Changed schedules, travel plans, food allergies or sudden weight changes can all influence your natural cycle and make it harder for the hypothalamus to send messages to the pituitary gland and ovaries to release period-inducing hormones. While temporary factors might contribute to irregular menstruation cycles in some women, regular cycles should remain an indicator that your system remains functioning normally overall.

If your menstrual cycle has become irregular, speak to a healthcare provider regarding possible causes and solutions. Hormonal birth control, getting sufficient restful sleep and engaging in stress-reducer activities such as yoga can all help regulate it; using apps like Flo to track mood, food and life events may also give insight into where your stress lies; journalling can also give insight into what might be causing it; however the key to returning your period to its regular course lies in managing unhealthy stressors effectively – seeking professional assistance may help immensely; ultimately – eliminating or managing unhealthy stressors is key; failing which, finding creative coping mechanisms may help return your period on track –

Learn more : maximum delay in periods if not pregnant

Hormonal birth control

Many women rely on hormonal birth control methods like the pill to regulate their periods or avoid uncomfortable menstrual symptoms. These birth control pills work by thinning out the uterine lining where an embryo could implant if pregnant, and reduce its thickness by blocking certain hormones released during ovulation. While using such forms of contraception it’s not unusual for late or irregular periods to arise while using such contraceptives.

When using the quick-start or Sunday-start method of taking birth control pills, condoms must be used as backup contraception for at least the first week after your period begins. When using an intrauterine device or Depo-Provera shot for birth control purposes, an alternative method must also be employed during its first three months of use. However, some women opt for extended or continuous hormonal birth control use for personal or health reasons; with this regimen taking all active pills without breaking for hormones as is usually necessary; this may result in reduced periods and irregular bleeding patterns as well.

Women taking hormonal birth control often experience spotting instead of full bleeding during weeks when the pills are not active, making it hard to tell whether you are pregnant or not. Sometimes this spotting mimics early symptoms such as cramps, bloating, nausea and food aversions which suggest pregnancy – in this instance take a home pregnancy test immediately and discuss results with your doctor immediately.

Learn more : 7 days late period not pregnant

Endometrial cancer

Women and those in postmenopausal stages are most at risk of endometrial cancer, which affects the inner layer of their uterus known as the endometrium. Estrogen triggers thickening of cells lining the uterus during menstruation cycles; following ovulation, progesterone changes these cells, prompting their shed from within the uterus; however if any move outside it, they could potentially cause them to multiply into tumors that will grow over time.

Oligomenorrhea, or irregular bleeding between periods, is often the first telltale sign of endometrial cancer. But diagnosing it can be difficult due to similarities with symptoms associated with other conditions affecting reproductive organs – including cervical cancer screening tests that cannot detect endometrial cancer. Your doctor may conduct a hysterosalpingogram (an imaging exam of pelvic structures) or endometrial biopsy in order to accurately pinpoint its source and treat your symptoms accordingly.

Risk factors for ovarian cancer that could also contribute to missed periods include having multiple children, starting your period early or entering menopause later than anticipated, as well as starting later than anticipated menopause. Although their correlation remains unclear, taking birth control pills for several years could reduce your chances of ovarian cancer and surgical treatments such as myomectomy or uterine artery embolization could help mitigate its development further.

Learn more : 5 days late period not pregnant


If you are over 45 and have not had a period in a year, it could be menopause. Menopause occurs when your body stops producing estrogen; this may affect your menstrual cycle as your cycles may become irregular or heavier than before. If this concerns you, speak to your healthcare provider immediately.

Irregular periods could be a telltale sign of uterine fibroids, endometriosis, thyroid disease or even a pituitary tumor that secretes too much prolactin. Communicate your symptoms to a health care provider so they can conduct diagnostic testing to rule out these potential issues.

Women entering menopause may experience mood and physical symptoms like hot flashes, difficulty sleeping and vaginal dryness. Furthermore, fatigue or sore joints and muscles could occur as well. While perimenopause mood changes are perfectly natural, it is still wise to see your healthcare provider and discuss any distress you are feeling for assessment and possible help as soon as possible.

Periods tend to arrive every 28 days; however, a healthy menstrual cycle can range anywhere between 21-40 days. If your period is late, tracking its menstrual cycle over time to identify patterns can help identify trends; your doctor can evaluate your symptoms and suggest treatments; before making assumptions as to the reason it has come late. Also important is excluding pregnancy before assuming why it hasn’t arrived yet.

Learn more : how many days can period delay? Mystery of Menstrual Delays